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The show went well. We came home happy even though we were down some from last year. I think attendance was down overall but I haven’t heard any official word.
While we thoroughly enjoyed the abundance of turkey, Jeff and I have cut down on our meat consumption after he had a gout flare up in July. We have been eating a lot of lentils and beans. Our new love is dahl. Most recipes have all the ingredients for combating gout… lentils, turmeric, garam masala. The soup in the photo is one we make at least once a week. I modified it by adding turmeric, garam masala, and some freshly ground cardamom. I have made it with both red lentils and green. We prefer the green, they are a little “meatier.” The red lentils have a tendency to get mushy. I like the chive yogurt served on top. Jeff prefers no yogurt.
This is the original recipe that I use: Red Lentil and Vegetable Soup with Chive Yogurt
Last night I was in the local market and found myself looking at the boneless spareribs. I pondered them a bit then headed to the produce and bought spinach instead.
… and the last cheese stone sold in our gallery over the weekend! There are more cooling in the kiln today.
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I am not sure why, but last month it felt like online sales were a little slower than October of 2017. I checked my stats on Etsy, and according to them I was ahead 3%. Not a whopping increase, but at least it wasn’t lower! Sales took off over the weekend and have remained steady. I am hoping it’s an indicator of a good holiday season.
Today there are two ware boards of pig bodies waiting for me to assemble. Hopefully I can get them to the right stage of stiffness, despite the humidity.
Remember to get out and vote today, if you haven’t already!
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