Tag Archives: Art
It’s Official!
The town of Seagrove unveiled a beautiful new welcome sign that visitors will see when they exit the highway, coming in to town. There are actually two signs, another on Pottery Highway 705, as you enter town from the opposite direction.
The Creation of The Whimsical Flower Pig
I am not too fussy with the sponging. I like to leave some of the underglaze behind for a sort of “smudgy” look. I then dip the bottom half of the pigs in our Temple white glaze, the upper half in our gloss green. The overlap creates a nice pink blush. These are fired in a reduction atmosphere to cone 10. Our gas kiln typically takes anywhere from 12 – 16 hours to fire.
A Working Holiday
Family Break
I am back after a brief hiatus from blogging. I had a really good excuse to take a break.
Sadly, on Monday, I had to drive Danielle back to the airport. Saying good bye is so very hard. The only thing that takes the sting off of it, is that we head north in August and we will have a few days together again.
Yesterday was spent sanding pots and loading the kiln for a bisque firing. Once that’s done, we will glaze and load her up again. Vacation is officially over.
Welcome Summer!
The weekend brought us fabulous weather. Comfortably warm, low humidity. Cool nights. It was a nice break after the hot and muggy week. Great weather for getting outside and doing the yard work. We didn’t put in a big garden, like we planned to. There was just to much “catch-up” work to do in the studio. A kiln-less winter put us behind and studio work takes precedence over everything else. The one thing we did do was plant some flowers and herbs in the front of house. This was an area that was pretty much ready to go, after a little weeding.
Most of our little garden are plants that we either moved from the log cabin, or were given to us. I did buy a couple of flower and herbs. Some I bought on clearance at Lowe’s. On the right, still in it’s pot, is buchu. It’s a Korean chive. We were gifted with two of these and are so excited to have them. Jeff and I use them a lot in Korean cooking and we like them snipped on top of a salad as well. They have a similar, but stronger flavor than traditional chives.
I splurged on the cone flowers last week. I have always wanted some and can’t believe that I never had them in past gardens!
I planted zinnias from seeds. They are doing ok. I am hoping they well re-seed themselves so that eventually, in the future, I will have a nice bed of them.
Can anyone identify this? At the log cabin, I thought it was a weed because it was growing in the lawn. I always mowed it over. Jeff said it wasn’t a weed and brought a piece of it to 505 E Main. It took off like crazy and the purple flowers are quite pretty. Please comment if you know what it is.
Pigs are Multiplying
This salt pig is a re-fire from when we were having issues with pin holing in the nuka white glaze. The second firing smoothed out the glaze, but the green always changes color on it’s second trip through the kiln. It’s lighter and brighter and I am sure someone will love it. Lately the salt pig sales numbers have been creeping up to the piggy banks. A year and a half ago I tried to stop making them, but the public said “No!”.
Jeff and I also made the decision to purchase the next size up in corks for the piggy bank snouts. We had a few international buyers mention that they have some larger coins than here in the U.S. This new size should be more universal. It’s kind of neat to look back over the years and see how the piggy banks have evolved. Change can be a good thing.
Speaking of change, I forgot to blog about our town election results. The alcohol referendum passed in Seagrove! We will be able to purchase beer and wine at stores within town limits. Now we can also hope for a nice little restaurant to open… perhaps with a micro-brewery… and walking distance to my house. I like to dream big… and if you can dream it, it can happen.