Where has the month gone? Just a week left of August. It sure has been a busy one…
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Where has the month gone? Just a week left of August. It sure has been a busy one…
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We had a half bath for convenience, and the campground showers were nearby and clean. It worked out well for us. Renting a place to stay was an added expense, but thankfully we did well at the show and covered the cost. It was sort of fun to come back to at night, grill some dinner, and eat on the little porch.
On the road between the campground and the fair is a pick your own blueberry farm. Jeff and I took some time one evening and picked four pounds of blueberries. The branches were heavy with berries and it took us about fifteen minutes to fill our pail.
The weather has been great, just one rainy day. Nights in the 50’s and most days hovered around 70. The show is over and we are now in Wolfeboro, NH, visiting my sister and her family for a few days. It was nice to have a day off today. I think it’s the first on in over a month!
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Aside from pottery work, we are really enjoying our land this year. We have quite a few tomato plants that are just starting to give us fruit, and along with the herbs and flowers, we feel like we are super fortunate. Most of our gardening is still happening in the front yard, but Jeff has spent many evenings reclaiming the over grown back acre. Last evening Jeff took me out back to show me the maypops that are blooming out there.
This is a southern climbing vine that I was not familiar with until we moved to this house. It’s also known as purple passion flower. It produces a small egg sized fruit… Jeff says it tastes like bubblegum!
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It’s been hot the last couple of days and we are really appreciative of working in an air conditioned studio. It sure makes life easier.
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We went out during the sweltering heat on the Fourth of July and picked a good size bowl full. There will be plenty more in the days to come. The downside of blackberries are thorns and bugs. I pretty much suited up in long pants, tall boots, and bug spray. The boots were my “snake protection”. I will admit to being a little afraid of snakes, more so the poisonous variety.
Jeff has planted a couple blueberry bushes this year. It will be a few years before we have enough to really do some picking, and we are really looking forward to it. Our goal for next year is to be able to have our vegetable garden out there too.
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The star spangled, patriotic piggy bank came into being!
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I incorporated art work with a few old photos, as well as more recent digital pics that he has only been able to view on someone’s phone.
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Jeff is planning to go back for a final photo shoot once the furniture is installed.
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I have been talking about mixing some black slip for a few years now. I actually mixed a small amount three years ago, but didn’t had enough mason stain and the results were blah. This weekend I decided to give it another try. I added 25% stain. It looks pretty black. We shall see how it fires on this test bowl, thrown with B-Mix.
This weekend I had a night to myself. Jeff went off to STARworks for the evening session of the NC Wood Fire Conference and I was feeling anti-social. I settled in on the sofa for an evening of Netflix. If you haven’t seen the series “Abstact – The Art of Design”, I recommend you take a look. So far I have only watched the first episode and it was very good. So good that I even took notes!
Here is a quote from the artist featured in episode one:
“It’s about showing up and getting started.” – Christopher Niemann
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