Now that our copper red glaze is behaving again, I can do some stones with this combination!
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Now that our copper red glaze is behaving again, I can do some stones with this combination!
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I will also offer this piggy bank with a name on it as well. You’ll find this new litter of pigs in the Etsy shop.
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Jeff and I just had our 2nd anniversary at 505 E. Main. Finishing our studio is still a work in progress. It’s been a balancing act to keep making work and get construction projects finished (finding the money is a whole other story). This week we finally got the rest of the trim up and painted. The upper gable end, and the soffits still need to be scraped and painted. We really wish we could afford to hire a painter to do that portion. Just looking at it overwhelms me! Quite frankly, I would love to have all the soffits wrapped in vinyl because I really hate to paint. Thank goodness most of the house is brick.
Jeff has also been installing some landscape timbers along the front planting area, and shoveling in new top soil. I have flowers started from seeds, and they should be ready to plant as soon as he is done.
We now have a big blank canvas of a wall. Jeff and I have been kicking around the idea of painting a mural of pots on the left side of the windows. Something simple, like silhouettes of a couple of pots. It could be seen from the road and hopefully help people realize that this is our studio and we are open for business. Since we live within the town limits of Seagrove, we can’t put our studio name on the building. We already have a free-standing sign near the road and sign ordinances state that we can’t have both. The ordinance book doesn’t say anything about a mural!
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When I opened the studio on Saturday morning, this luna moth was hanging out on the outside wall, near the front door. It stayed all day to greet visitors. I took it as a sign of good luck.
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The Sophie cat alarm woke me up at 6 am, just in time to light the first burner on the kiln, and give her some breakfast. While the kiln fires, Jeff and I will get some pots made so that I can do some sgraffito demonstrations during the studio tour. Once the pots are made our studio will get it’s big spring cleaning. After a winter and spring of heavy production, it’s in desperate need.
I will have to get photos… because it never stays clean for long!
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The daffodils are blooming…
We are enjoying temps in the 70’s this weekend. I am loving every minute of it, because in a few days I am heading to the winter wonderland of New Hampshire. They had two major snowstorms last week, and are expecting a Nor’easter today, into tomorrow. The coast is expecting up to two feet of snow. Of course that is where my Dad lives! I typically don’t plan a trip to New Hampshire in the middle of winter, but on February 15th my Dad will be 90 years old! We will all gather at my sister Anita’s home in Wolfeboro for a big family dinner. I am very excited to see everyone, especially my girl Danielle. She will arrive from Connecticut on Friday evening to spend the weekend.
I will be in New Hampshire for a week. Staying Wednesday to Wednesday gave me the best price on a flight, only $150 – because who in there right mind flies north in February? Time to dig out the UGGS & mittens!
We recently bought some of STARworks Ceramics new Eastfork clay. Last fall we had a sample that we tested and really liked how it looked with Jeff’s ash glaze. Jeff threw a couple of platters last week and brushed them with white slip. I spent this afternoon carving ginkgo leaves into them. It has a smooth consistency that makes it easy to carve, and I love the color even before firing. I haven’t given the clay a try on the wheel yet, fingers crossed that I will like the way it throws.
I love Valentine’s Day. Not because I am expecting flowers, candy, or dinner out. I enjoy it for completely unromantic reasons. Valentine’s day give me the opportunity make and deliver simple surprises for people that I love. This year I decided to make a string of hearts for my special great niece, Arianna.
Tonight I boxed the hearts up along with a siamese cat figurine that was a gift to me from my Memere when I was just about Arianna’s age. My Memere would have been her great-great Memere.
We have been enjoying some warm days here in Seagrove, NC. I took advantage of the weather and did a good mopping and cleaning of the studio, while the bisque kiln is firing. Jeff is busy making glazes. We will fire a glaze load in the next few days.