Jeff and I have been in Seagrove, NC for nearly five years. Living and working in these two log cabins has been an adventure that we will always hold near and dear to our hearts. It was never our plan to be in this location permanently. We are renting, and our dream has always been to purchase our own place.
After many years of hard work, and frugal living, we have found that place! We have a contract on house just a mile up the road. It’s a perfect in town location with some acreage and a wooded backyard. All of this is both exhilarating and scary at the same time.
For most people moving is hard work and a pain in a$$, but for potters it’s that X 100. Once more our gas kiln will have to be dismantled and rebuilt, along with pouring a new pad and building a kiln shed. We almost have it covered but a little help from pottery lovers and collectors will make a huge difference.
Mug for Moving is our campaign to raise funds to get our studio and kiln moved. We are offering three different mug styles for $25 each. This includes shipping in the US, and if you are in NC, sales tax as well. Mugs will be shipped or available for pickup by fall of this year.
The details are on our newly launched website along with a shopping cart to place your order via Paypal.
Thank you readers and fellow bloggers for all of your encouragement and support over the years. The blogging community feels like family, even though some of us have never met. Jeff and I realize that times are tight for everyone, if you can’t afford a mug perhaps you could share our campaign on Facebook via the handy “share this page” button on the website.
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